Saturday, 11 April 2015


We was given the opportunity to go to the NEC with our own group and attend workshops. this was very enjoyable and lot of  information was provided and question were answered at the workshops it was alot of fun and lot of freebies were given. and it was very good and would go again.I had also attended a lecture at the NEC which was on SEN.


On the 13/03/15 we had a guest speaker,her name was Gina Godwin and she came in to deliver a  session  in the lecture was very beneficial and I had made lots of notes and she was very nice and friendly 
Image result for lecture theatre

Monday, 16 March 2015


On the 12th of march 2015 at placement the children were  doing an activity in the morning session which was  decorating a template of an egg which was creative  and fun for the children to do as a was put up in the activity room as display work done by the children.


Image result for ucbI am very happy as I was offered a conditional offer at university college birmingham. it was my only choice I had  applied for as I want to complete my 3rd year at that campus.

Mother's Day Card's

At my work placement,the children were given templates of tea pots that they had already cut out for them, the children were given tissue paper that was cut in different shapes that they were gluing on their cards. 

 The children were very excited of completing their cards and giving it to their mum's on mothers day.

UCB Applicant day

Image result for ucb

I have been invited to attend UCB applicant day on saturday 21st of march, I am looking forward to attending, as this is a great opportunity to see what the university college of birmingham has to offer.

On the day activites that will be taking place is presentations  and a  tour of the campus which is great and also the facilities that are at the setting.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Role Play Area #Hairdressers

#ROLE PLAY#AT THE Hairdressers                                                                                                                         

On the 12th of february at work placement  the role play area i helped the EYP put up the role play area the theme was at the hairdressers. The children really enjoyed it as their was all having turns role playing cutting the other children hair and pretending washing their hair and booking appointments. the children really enjoyed it as their was communicating and and using their imagination.


semester 2 

In semester 2 the modules are being taught are :

  • Working with parents and families
  • Safeguarding 
  • Independent research 
  • Assessment for learning

Am really looking forward into researching into these topics

Issues In Early Years

Issues In The Early Years Articles  

In semester 2,one of  the assignments was issues in the early years,this was a very interesting topic and there was various of topic that I had looked into and one of the topics I looked into was gender, I had found it very knowledgeable  as there was various point that setting should and should not do.

Here is a the article "gender issues educating boys and girls" I hope you find it useful .
  i have taken print screens as i was not able to add file , but however the  reference is provided.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Different Types Of Transports

 Different Transports 

On the 28th of january the children were learning about different types of vehicles that are used and are common this was very effective as the children did alot on this specific area of learning.

They were then given the opportunity then be creative and colour and paint the templates of the different types of transport and talk about which ones they have seen and been on. I helped the children with this activity  and they really enjoyed it so did I .

Block Placement

Block Placement   

During Block Placement for 2 weeks, It has been a very beneficial experience ,as I was able to see the routine of the nursery and follow their routine, I really enjoyed it as I was given opportunity to carry out activities read stories help set up activities for children to do throughout the day and interact with children.overall it was AMAZING  I loved it !! :) 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015



On Monday 12th of January 2015 is the start of my 2 week block placement I am very excited, as being given the opportunity to go in for two full weeks to help out in the early years setting and putting my skills into practice, also learn from other professional like the EYP and team leader.
This opportunity will help me take part in certain regular activities that are put in place at the setting . it will also give me the opportunity carry out certain activities out with the children ,and see and follow how the routine of the early years setting is followed and implemented. 
yaaay!! :) 


I sent off my application for UCAS , I applied to UCB for my progression on to doing my top up year for my degree. Also my application will be automatically be considered for progression with Birmingham City University.